Our Certifications
TATC is a Certified LGBTQ Business Enterprise (Certification #14989)
by NGLCC through 02/28/2026, and is a member NGLCC’s Philadelphia Chapter, the Independence Business Alliance.
Dr. Eli Green is a Certified Sexuality Educator (through 7/2025) and Certified Sexuality Educator Supervisor (through 11/2024) through the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors & Therapists (AASECT).

We are proud to be a Sustaining Sponsor!
Trans Affirming Training & Consulting is proud to be a Sustaining Sponsor of The Uplifting Trans Fund. In addition to donating 10% of the sales of The Teaching Transgender Toolkit, TATC has committed to donating a portion of our annual proceeds to The Uplifting Trans Fund.